Nathan Barrus grew up in a small town in Wyoming and was introduced into aquatic
ecology at the University of Wyoming where he received his undergraduate
degree. He moved to Florida to study the
Florida apple snail for his master’s degree at Florida Atlantic University. The
contents of this blog was a portion of Barrus’ master’s thesis first chapter while studying at FAU which was published in Hydrobiologia. Barrus is currently
a second year PhD student at Florida International University in the faunal
related aquatic ecology lab run by Nathan Dorn and has now been working with
Apple Snails for four years. He lives near Fort Lauderdale with his wife and
two children.
Amanda Richey completed her masters thesis in the Malone Disturbance Ecology Lab at FIU in August 2023 where she studied carbon cycling under different hydrologic conditions in the southeast coastal ecotone. She is interested in ecosystem ecology, restoration, and climate change. When she’s not crunching numbers in R Studio she loves to explore wetlands via kayak. Since graduating, she joined the RESTORE Council as a NAS Science Policy Fellow with the Gulf Research Program where she is learning about regional-scale wetland restoration projects across the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Grace McLeod was a masters student in the Malone Disturbance Ecology Lab where she studied how fire history and climate drive post-fire recovery in the Everglades. Grace is interested in ecological applications of remote sensing to inform restoration and conservation implementation, supporting nature-based solutions, and improving human-nature relations.
Cody Eggenberger is a Ph.D. candidate in the Earth and Environment Department at Florida International University under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Rehage. Cody’s dissertation research investigates the potential impacts Everglades restoration may have on Common Snook (Centropomus undecimlis), sub-adult Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus), and their predator’s (Bull and Lemon Shark, Carcharhinus leucas and Negaprion brevirostris respectively) habitat use using acoustic telemetry methodology. His work aims to add to the creation of a predictive framework for the effects hydrologic variation, restoration, and climate change have on recreational fisheries in the coastal Everglades.
Luke Lamb-Wotton is a Ph.D. candidate in the Wetland Ecosystems Ecology Lab and advised by Dr. Tiffany Troxler, the current director of FIU's Sea-Level Solution Center. Luke is interested in increasing understanding about the losses in Everglades coastal marsh habitat due to peat collapse. He also maintains a healthy obsession with paleoecology. Twitter: @LukeLamb_Wotton
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Ikechukwu Onwuka received his Ph.D. from the Department of Earth and Environment at Florida International University. He worked in the Scinto Lab where his research involved the evaluation of forms and stores of phosphorus and the drivers of phosphorus transformations across watersheds, with a focus on sediment pools. He also tested the use of waste materials for phosphorus capture and reuse. Ike developed cost-effective, long-term methods to provide high-resolution sediment and phosphorus estimates in canals to assess when water discharges can degrade Everglades wetlands.
Natasha Viadero was a masters student in Dr. Rehage’s Coastal Fish Ecology Lab. Natasha's work quantified suitable habitat for an important freshwater recreational species in Everglades National Park and identified management targets to safeguard refuge habitat in a potentially saltier future.
Boya “Paul” Zhang was a Ph.D. in Geosciences student in the Geodesy Lab. His research interests included InSAR, Remote Sensing, Flooding detection with SAR, Sinkhole subsidence monitoring with PSInSAR, GIS, and GPS.
Carissa Gervasi was a Ph.D. student in Dr. Rehages’ Coastal Fish Ecology Lab. For her dissertation she worked closely with recreational anglers and state managers to develop a management plan for the Jack Crevalle, a valuable pelagic fish species whose population may be in decline.
Peter Regier was a Ph.D. student under Dr. Jaffe. Peter is generally interested in how organic carbon is transported and transformed in natural systems. His research focused on the spatiotemporal patterns of organic carbon in the Everglades, and responses to changes in hydrology, management, and climate.

Benjamin Wilson was a Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Tiffany
Troxler’s lab at Florida International University in Miami, FL and a graduate
student within the Florida Coastal Everglades LTER network. His work revolves
around investigating biogeochemical cycling, plant physiology, and carbon
processing in coastal wetlands, with a particular interest in how marsh
functioning responds to saltwater intrusion. His other interests include
effective science communication and policy. Benjamin was able to hone his
communication skills during a year-long stint as a Science Communication Fellow
with the Phillip and Patricia Frost Science Museum in Miami where he got to
teach middle schoolers and volunteers on the importance of coastal restoration.

Luca Marazzi was a postdoctoral associate in Evelyn Gaiser's lab. He received his MSc in Environmental Science from the University of Milano Bicocca (Italy) and his PhD in Freshwater Ecology from the University College London (UK). His research aimed to identify and compare environmental controls of diversity, abundance, and biomass of algae in subtropical wetlands. Check out the 'Diatom of the month' posts to learn more about these algae, and how they are used to reconstruct, detect, understand, and predict environmental and ecological changes.
Shelby Servais graduated from Florida International University where she studied how soil microbial function in the Everglades will be affected by sea level rise. Shelby received her bachelor degree in Environmental Science at Mount Saint Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Shelby is committed to science communication and outreach and is a Science Communication Fellow with the Frost Science Museum. Shelby's blogs focused on her experiences as a graduate student, life in Miami, and science communication.
View Rebecca's posts here. |
Rebecca Garvoille recieved her Ph.D. from the Global and Sociocultural Studies program at Florida International University in Miami, and was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant in Cultural Anthropology. Her dissertation research focused on the cultural dimensions of ecosystem restoration in the Florida Everglades, where she examines the effects of restoration initiatives on local identities, environmental attitudes, and long-term expectations for the region and its management.
View Amber's posts here. |
Amber Kiger recieved her Master's degree in Geosciences at Florida International University. She graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor's degree in Biology/Ecosystem Science and Policy. As an undergrad, she interned for the Arthur R. Marshall Foundation and worked on Everglades advocacy, environmental education and habitat restoration projects. Amber also worked for the Oceans and Human Health Center at UM as an undergrad studying pathogens and indicator bacteria at recreational beaches. She later combined her interests in microbiology and the Everglades by working in Dr. Joe Boyer’s Microbial Ecology Lab at FIU. Amber's Master's thesis examined the roles of phytoplankton and bacteria in Florida Bay carbon cycling. She was co-advised
by Dr. Joe Boyer and Dr. Bill Anderson.
View David's posts here. |
David Lagomasino recieved his Ph.D. in the Department of Earth and Environment at Florida International University. He received his Masters in Geology from East Carolina University, and his BS in Geological Sciences from FIU. His research interests have migrated from wetland sedimentology to wetland ecohydrology and remote sensing. David's dissertation focused on understanding groundwater/surface water interactions in coastal mangroves and how satellite remote sensing can be used as a powerful tool to understand the changes to the water cycle from a global perspective.
View Sylvia's posts here. |
Sylvia Lee recieved her Ph.D. in Biology at Florida International University. She received a B.S. in Biology from Loyola University Chicago, where she got her first experience with diatoms, an environmentally-sensitive and beautifully-ornamented group of algae, in a stream ecology lab. Her interest in diatoms took her from the Windy City to sunny south Florida to work with Dr. Evelyn Gaiser in the Periphyton Lab. Her dissertation research focused on the mechanisms driving diatom assemblage composition in the Everglades, which will provide important information to aid assessment of Everglades restoration. She helped develop and teach a diatom camp for high school students at Iowa Lakeside Lab. She hopes to continue spreading the diatom love through her research and teaching activities.
View Adam's posts here.
Adam Rosenblatt recieved his Ph.D. from the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida International University
where he worked with Dr. Mike Heithaus. He received his BA in biology and
history from Oberlin College in 2006. His dissertation focused
on the movement and feeding behaviors of American alligators in the
coastal Everglades. He enjoys long walks on the beach, surfing, jai
alai, and the unique feeling you get when an alligator vomits in your
lap. You can find out more about his research here.
View Nick's posts here. |
Nick Schulte was a Master's student in the Periphyton Lab within the Biology Department at Florida International University. He worked with Dr. Evelyn Gaiser on his research on changes in the algae communities of the Everglades caused by nutrient enrichment. Nick received his B.S. from Tennessee Technological University, where he was inspired by the amazing world of algae and their uses in studying water quality, food webs, and theoretical ecology. He is continuing his phyco-philia through a PhD and beyond to show how important algae are to the global environment, how useful they can be for humans, and how they can be used to answer outstanding scientific questions.
View Jenn's posts here. |
Jenn Sweatman was a Ph.D. student in the Seagrass Ecosystems Lab at Florida International University. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University - Kingsville and her Master of Science degree from Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. Jenn's dissertatoin focused on community dynamics in human-impacted habitats using epiphyte grazers in seagrass beds. Her ultimate goal is to raise awareness of the necessity of seagrass conservation and restoration, and introduce people to the hidden beauty of seagrass meadows!
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