
Showing posts from July, 2016

Diatom of the month – July 2016: Nitzschia amphibia

by Luca Marazzi* Nitzschia amphibia belongs to the nitzschioid group : its v alves are symmetrical to both apical and transapical axes, and taper to bluntly rounded apices ; the raphe is well developed near the valve margin, and enclosed within a canal 1 . The original description was made by Albert Grunow in 1852, when the US President was Millard Fillmore, the  last one not to be affiliated with either the Democratic   or   Republican party . This is how ‘old’ are some of the species names of algae and other organisms that persist to this day, while new species are continuously described at an increasing rate. Grunow was one of the eight most ‘profilic’ algal taxonomists who described more than 1,000 species during their career, the others being Kützing, Gottfried, Hustedt, Agardh, Harvey, who worked in the 1800s, and Lange-Bertalot (the only one still alive and active ) and Skvortsov in the 1900s 2 . Fig. 1.   a)  Nitzschia amphibia  in valv...