Diatom of the month - January 2016: Gomphonema parvulum

by Luca Marazzi* ‘Who’ is it? The genus Gomphonema includes numerous species growing on mucilaginous stalks. These diatoms are a symmetrical biraphid, as the bottom part is usually longer and thinner than the top part and they have two raphes, narrow slits that allow them to move over surfaces . Yes, there are diatoms that perform photosynthesis, move and even eat organic matter ! G. parvulum is on the lower end of the size spectrum for the genus ( length from 15 to over 100 µm and width between 5 and 15 µm ). Gomphonema parvulum , partially obstructed by Eunotia , in a sample from the Florida Everglades . Source : Tobias and Gaiser, 2006 G. parvulum and stalks in a sample from Japan; cell body: 48 µm long, 10 µm wide. Source...