Diatom of the Month: November 2016 - Medlinella amphoroidea

by Tom Frankovich* I would like to introduce you all to Medlinella amphoroidea , a new taxon that was observed on loggerhead sea turtles , as the November diatom-of-the month. But, before I get to discussing the morphology and ecology of this new genus and species, I will tell you all a personal story of serendipity and professional relationships. It was early 2013, and I had received an email from Dr. Brian Stacy, a marine veterinarian at the National Marine Fisheries Service , and a friend from when we worked together investigating parasites in marine gastropods. Brian told me that his wife, Dr. Nicole Stacy, also a marine veterinarian, was interested in identifying organisms that she suspected were diatoms that were on skin smear slides and contaminants in blood, urine and teat fluid samples from Florida sea turtles and manatees . Fig. 1 . Dr. Brian Stacy performing a necropsy on a loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta (Photo c ourtesy Brian Stacy, unknown photog...